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Annual Library Lecture

The A. P. Mahoney Library hosts an annual lecture to celebrate Theological Libraries Month, an initiative of the American Theological Library Association, held in October of each year. 

The lecture serves as a vehicle to showcase the seminary’s talented faculty and is followed by a reception.

The 12th Annual A. P. Mahoney Library Lecture

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
Are You Listening?: A Theology of Encounter for a Wounded World


The Twelfth Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - Angela Townend, MSW, RSW

"Are You Listening?: A Theology of Encounter for a Wounded World"


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The Eleventh Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

Thursday, October 5, 2023 - Dr. John Dool, Ph.D

"A Conversation Across Time: Tradition as Dialogue"


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The Tenth Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

Thursday, October 10, 2019 - Prof. Andrea Di Giovanni

"Pondering the Word: Biblical Wisdom and Women's Leadership in the Church"


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9th Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

The Ninth Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

Thursday, October 4, 2018 - Fr. Pio Beorchia

"By His Wounds We Are Healed"


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8th Annual Lecture

The Eighth Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

Wednesday, October 18 2017 - Rev. Alan Momney

"The Transformation of the Self through Sacrifice"


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7th Annual Lecture

The Seventh Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - Fr. Denis Grecco

"Church and Laudato si"

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The Sixth Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

 Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - Dr. Bernardine Ketelaars

"Harkening to the Voices of the Lost Ones:  Evangelizing in today's culture.


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Fifth Annual Lecture

The Fifth Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

October 15, 2014 - Fr. John Comiskey

“The Very Model of a Modern Major Bishop:  The Public Ministry of Archbishop John Walsh (1867-1898)

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Fourth Annual Lecture

The Fourth Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

October 16, 2013 - Rev. Frank O'Connor

"From the Heart of the Poor: A Spirituality of Social Justice."

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Third Annual Lecture

The Third Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

October 10, 2012 - Rev. Stevan Wlusek

"From Darkness into Transforming Light: Spirituality for the Healing Journey of Sexual Abuse Survivors."


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Second Annual Lecture

The Second Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

October 12, 2011 - Rev. Michael Prieur

"Rediscovering Our Seminary Charisms:  St. Peter's on the Cusp of Its Second Century."


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First Annual Lecture

The First Annual A.P. Mahoney Library Lecture

October 13, 2010 - Rev. Murray Watson

"When Rome Meets Jerusalem:  What's at stake in the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue?"

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