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Faculty Bios


Administrative Faculty

Title Name Contact
Rector: Fr. Denis Grecco Ext. 247
Vice-Rector: Fr. Gary Ducharme Ext. 230
Vice-Rector: Fr. Jason Kuntz Ext. 226
House Spiritual Director: Fr. Pio Beorchia Ext. 227
Dean of Studies: Dr. John Dool Ext. 272
Dean of Arts: Dr. Michael Fox Ext. 256
Director of Libraries: Adrienne Co-Dyre

Director of Lay and Pastoral Formation: Dr. Bernardine Ketelaars Ext. 203

Director of Permanent Diaconate Formation & Study:

Deacon Gerard Van Schyndel Ext. 281
Director of the Pastoral Year: Fr. Al Momney Ext. 231


Alphabetical Listing of Seminary Faculty

Rev. Pio Beorchia

Rev. Pio Beorchia

Ext. 227

  • BA, MDiv. (The University of Western Ontario)
  • S.T.L. (Pontificio Ateneo San Anselmo, Rome)
  • Lecturer in Sacramental Theology and Pastoral Liturgy
  • House Spiritual Director



Ms. Adrienne Co-Dyre

  • BA, MLIS (The University of Western Ontario)
  • Director of Libraries







Dr. John Dool

Dr. John Dool

Ext. 272

  • BA, MA, PhD (University of St. Michael's College, Toronto)
  • Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology
  • Dean of Studies




Rev. Gary Ducharme

Ext. 230

  • BA (The University of Western Ontario)
  • MDiv (St. Peter’s Seminary/The University of Western Ontario)
  • Spiritual Director, Formation Advisor
  • Facilitator of the Propaedeutic Program
  • Chaplain to the Permanent Diaconate Program
  • Vice-Rector, Administration


Dr. Michael Fox

Ext. 256

  • BA (Thomas Aquinas College, Santa Paula, California),
  • MA, PhD (Laval University, Quebec)
  • Assistant Professor of Philosophy
  • Dean of Arts



Rev. Denis Grecco

Rev. Denis Grecco

Ext. 247

  • BA (St. Thomas University)
  • MDiv (St. Augustine’s Seminary / University of Toronto)
  • STM, STL (Regis College, Toronto)
  • PhD (University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto)
  • Rector

Rev. Jason Kuntz

Ext. 226

  • MDiv (St. Augustine's Seminary, Toronto)
  • S.T.L. (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome)
  • Lecturer in Moral Theology, Spiritual Director, Formation Advisor
  • Vice-Rector, Formation




Dr. Bernardine Ketelaars

Ext. 203

  • MDiv (The University of Western Ontario)
  • D.Min. (University of St. Michael’s College)
  • Lecturer in Mission and Ministry, Catechetics, and Theological Reflection
  • Director of Lay and Pastoral Formation



Rev. Alan A. Momney

Rev. Alan A. Momney

Ext. 231

  • BA, MDiv (The University of Western Ontario)
  • S.T.L. (St. Anselm University, Rome)
  • D.Min in Preaching (Aquinas Institute of Theology)
  • Formation Advisor, Spiritual Director
  • Lecturer in Sacramental Theology and Homiletics
    • Director, Pastoral Year

Mrs. Angela Townend

Ext. 214

  • Human Formation Counselor
  • Master of Social Work ( University of Toronto)
  • Honours Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) Wilfred Laurier University (Waterloo)
  • Advanced Certificate in ADHD Training
  • Interdisciplinary Dementia Studies Certificate - Lakehead University
  • Level I:  Team Therapist - Team CBT
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional: Level I (Pending)
  • Lecturer at King's University College, Faculty of Social Work
  • Adjuct Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
Rev. Paul Baillargeon

Rev. Paul Baillargeon

  • BA (University of Windsor)
  • MDiv (The University of Western Ontario)
  • MCL, PhD (University of Ottawa)
  • JCL, JCD (St. Paul University, Ottawa)
  • Assistant Professor, Church Law



Rev. John Comiskey

Rev. John Comiskey

  • BA, MDiv (The University of Western Ontario),
  • HEL, HED (Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome)
  • Assistant Professor of Historical Theology





Andrea Di Giovanni

Ext. 267

  • HBa, MA (Eng. Lit.), MA (Theology)
  • Adjunct Instructor of Biblical Studies





Teresa Hartnett

905-528-7988 ext. 2250

  • B.PE/Kin  (McMaster University, Hamilton)
  • B.Ed.        (Brock University, St. Catharines)
  • M.R.E.      (St. Augustine Seminary, Toronto)
  • Assistant Professor, Marriage and Sexuality
  • Director of Family Ministry for the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton
Dr. John Killoran

Dr. John Killoran

Ext. 205

  • BA (Northeastern University, Boston),
  • BEd, MA, MLS, PhD (University of Western Ontario)
  • Assistant Professor of Philosophy





Dr. Christian McConnell

  • BA (Carleton University)
  • BTh (St. Paul University)
  • MA (St. John's University, Collegeville)
  • PhD (University of Notre Dame)
  • Assistant Professor, Liturgy and Sacramental Theology

Deacon Gerard Van Schyndel

Ext. 281

  • Director, Permanent Diaconate Formation & Study