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Board of Directors

Since its founding in 1912, St. Peter's Seminary has benefited from the support of a Board of Directors, a group of influential representatives of the Church, the laity and the business community within the Diocese of London. The Board of Directors acts as a visible body of leadership, influence and support with the external constituencies that St. Peter's Seminary serves. The Board helps the Seminary achieve its objectives and fulfill its mission.

  • Most Rev. R. Peter Fabbro, CSB, Chair
  • Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, OMI
  • Most Rev. Brian Dunn
  • Most Rev. Gerard Bergie
  • Rev. Denis Grecco
  • Rev. John Comiskey
  • Rev. David Wynen
  • Mrs. Sharon Wright-Evans
  • Ms. Maureen Heath
  • Rev. Dick Bester
  • Mr. Marshall Kern
  • Ms. Brenda Teichert
  • Dr. John Dool
  • Fr. Jason Kuntz
  • Dr. Robert Ventresca
  • Dr. Lauretta Frederking
  • Dcn. Dan O'Connor

The St. Peter's Seminary Board of Directors has four principal functions:

  • To advise the Seminary, through the Bishop and the Rector, on issues that have the most significant impact on the accomplishment of the Seminary's mission and strategy. To assist in the development and on-going review of the Seminary’s long-term planning and special initiatives. To represent the interests and needs of external constituencies to St. Peter’s Seminary.
  • To communicate, endorse and advocate the interests of St. Peter's Seminary to external constituencies in order to raise its profile as a leading philosophy and theology education provider, and to engender support and understanding of its goals.
  • To assist St. Peter's Seminary in meeting its financial development objectives, through direct participation in the identification and cultivation of significant forms of support from individuals and organizations. 
  • To act as a sounding board to the Bishop and the Rector on issues pertaining to the advancement of the seminary and the achievement of its vision