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Lilly Endowment Grant to St. Peter's Seminary


 1040 Waterloo Street North, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3Y1 Phone (519) 432-1824 ● Fax: (519) 432-0964 


 13 April 2021 

Office of the Rector 


Dear Faculty, Staff, Seminarians, Diaconal Candidates and Lay Students, 

I am very happy to share the following news with you. 

The Association of Theological Schools, which accredits St. Peter’s Seminary, notified us that the Seminary has been awarded over $50,000 ($41,526 USD) to develop new, evidenced-based human formation curriculum to help prepare candidates for ministry for service to the Church. 

The funding originates with the US-based Lilly Endowment, a global leader in supporting theological education, under the Endowment’s Pathways for Tomorrow initiative. 

The Seminary’s proposal was developed by a team led by Dr. John Dool, and included Angela Townend, Dr. Bernardine Ketelaars, Dr. David Howie and myself. I want to congratulate John and Bernardine in particular for the bringing the proposal into its final form, and Angela for her work on developing a substantive initial program concept. 

Angela will be the point person for researching the curriculum, designing the program and guiding the program through its inaugural year, starting in the Fall of 2021. The program will centre on the dimensions and practice of relational maturity in Catholic ministry, especially for those preparing for priestly ordination. We anticipate that under Angela’s expert guidance, we will have a training tool that will have deep impact on formation for ministry. 

On your behalf I extend to those involved in this project our prayerful best wishes for their future success! 


Rev. Denis Grecco